Welcome aboard! As a Hiring Manager, you've been entrusted with the vital role of bringing new talent into the fold of your organization. Here’s a guided tour for new users to help you navigate your dashboard efficiently.

Get Started with a Warm Welcome

Right off the bat, you'll be greeted by a personalized welcome message. It's more than just a courteous hello; it sets the tone for the intuitive experience ahead.

Activate I-9 Compliance with Ease

The dashboard prompts you to activate I-9 compliance. It's integrated with electronic I-9 Forms and E-Verify through DISA, which means you can verify new employees' eligibility with just a few clicks. We've provided a link to the registration site in this section, allowing an easier registration process.

Onboard a New Hire

The "Onboard a New Hire" feature is prominently placed for you to begin the process right away. A straightforward click leads you to initiate a workflow of onboarding documents for new employees.

Add to Your Team

As your team grows, so does the complexity of managing it. But don't worry, your dashboard includes a feature to "Add a New Person" to your team, keeping everyone involved in the onboarding process connected and informed.

Explore Getting Started

Here's where your primary workflow lives. This section allows you to keep track of your primary workflow and edit as necessary. You'll also see the option to onboard an employee with this workflow.

Customize Your Workflow

One size doesn't fit all, especially when it comes to onboarding. That’s why the "Customize Your Workflow" section offers flexibility. Here, you can create and modify steps and tasks that resonate with your company’s culture and the specific roles you’re filling.

Main Menu

Located at the top-right of your screen, next to your company's name, you'll see a hamburger menu button. After selecting the button, you'll see the options to navigate to the Home Page, the Manage People Page, the Workflow Builder, and the option to switch accounts if you have more than one. 

If you have any questions or face any issues, please do not hesitate to select the Support option. The Support menu will direct you to our Support Database, allow you to create a support ticket, or initiate a live chat with our team of dedicated humans. We're happy to assist!